The Problem Solver (Part 1: The Pattern)

The Pattern is a path for processing thought. It is a place to move slowly, to enable thoughts to settle, a sieve or a filter. Turn a corner, wind towards center. Observe thoughts inside and outside of the pattern. The Pattern represents the possibility of embodied peace: “Positive Peace”.

Positive Peace is the presence of Equality, the restoration of Justice, and the healing of relationships. It is how we create social systems to serve the needs of all persons. Positive peace is not simply the absence of direct violence. It is the absence of both direct and indirect violence, a position completely free of worry or fear. If you desire peace, prepare for peace

The rise of soft power
dissolving of hard power
the radicalist
the gradualist
choose speed of reform

where begins process of total disarmament—
here or then?
peace as stillness
between conflicts
or peace as stillness

A description of harmony
A walking peace
Shifting energy of liberation into energy of building
examine state within to be peace
and build peace

A tarnished mirror that shines when polished
dipped in mud
passed through fire
A conscious effort to elevate life-condition
human revolution
healing the dull mirror
who could be your master?
how could anyone be your master?

The definition of Peace is itself unstable, varied, not agreed on. Positive peace has many simple and many complex forms. It operates at all scales, from momentary pleasure, self-healing and well being, to the complete restructuring of all societies, the complete elimination of all violence and oppression. Positive peace is a state of calm alert, a position free of worry or fear, a state of readiness held comfortably in place by external structures that affirm and improve life. Emperor Ashoka ended a long period of bloody conflict and Imperial expansion by enforcing a regime of peace throughout the empire. Stone monuments displayed his edicts of forgiveness, nonviolence, and quality of life for all beings. Carved in stone: amnesty for prisoners, an end to war, elephant sanctuaries, forests that could not be cut down. A harmonic form of dominance, derived from Imperial power. “All men are my children. What I desire for my own children, and I desire their welfare and happiness both in this world and the next, that I desire for all men. You do not understand to what extent I desire this, and if some of you do understand, you do not understand the full extent of my desire.”


What is state of readiness?
state of readiness for violence?
state of readiness for non-violence?

Positive Peace is self-control, self-rule: for you, it is an inward peace-keeping operation, refining your focus towards openness and compassion. No greater or lesser dominion than over yourself? Positive Peace is a state of being not grounded in specific actions. It continues forever as a process in the background of all human interactions. It is the beginning and the end of peaceful communication.

Do you hear that? Whistling sound? Should we tell them about it? How many are you? Who is responsible? Who owns the air? How? Does capitalism erode all pleasure? Yes or no? What does pleasure erode? Which is better: vision in motion, or discovering the subconscious?


How quietly can you speak? Show me? How far can you see? Questions for women? Yes or no? Image of the sun pendulum. Observe the sky? What is changing? Glacier in retreat, or water in advance? Observe the sky? Uncertainty or pattern? Observe the sky?

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The Problem Solver (Part 2: The Tangle)

On the other side of the Pattern is the The Tangle. The Tangle is an enormous, unruly confusion. There is a critical urgency to untangle the tangle. This is a process that will require all people to cooperate with one another. The Tangle imagines Peace-Making as struggle, a form of active problem-solving: “Negative Peace.”

Negative Peace is the absence of direct violence, the prevention of harm, the prevention of war. Peace within this framework does not, by itself, erase conflict completely or permanently. Negative Peace is constant in its management of conflict. Negative Peace is the process of struggle. In the struggle to untangle The Tangle, we strategize and cooperate, we develop and share innovative techniques, new ways of seeing and solving the problem. Factions may evolve from within the struggle—some participants see more value in Tangling than in Untangling—opposing affinities form in dissent. There is fine line between tangling and untangling. Fine lines can be difficult to draw—conscious tanglers are difficult to separate from conscious un-tanglers. Their movements are similar. The Tangle is a path between persons, a language for the recognition and mediation of conflict. The Tangle addresses itself to all of us—now that it exists, it can’t ever stop existing. If the Tangle becomes untangled it may swiftly become tangled again, without our constant management and vigilance. Calm and alert. We are complicit in solving the problem of The Tangle. Whether or not we see ourselves as participants, it doesn’t matter. There is no neutral place. There is no self in isolation. The Tangle addresses itself to all of us.

Thought and action.
Stem the flow of unhappiness.
Use dialogue to create solidarity.
Inform and concern.
Peace for the sake of peace
For the sake of peace.

What inhibits the world from inventing peace? who inhibits the world from inventing peace? Violence, proscribed by strong central powers, held comfortably in place by allegiance to a group, by the naming of a population: Otherizing. Drawing the conditions for aggression, race war, class war, national war. Who is that person? and who is that person? and who is that person? Rousseau pointed out that If we had no sovereign states, we would have no war. Hobbes pointed out that we would have no peace either. William Graham Sumner wrote “if you want war, nourish a doctrine. Doctrines are the most frightful tyrants to which men are ever subject, because doctrines get inside a man’s own reason and betray him against himself. Civilized men have done their fiercest fighting for doctrines. The reconquest of the Holy Sepulchre, the balance of power, no universal dominion, trade follows the flag, he who holds the land holds the sea, the throne and the altar, the revolution, the faith— these are the things for which men have given their lives. What are they all?” What makes doctrine? What make doctrine reasonable? believable? How to un-make doctrine? How to loosen the hold of doctrine on oneself? (what is) the most beautiful word? what are some variations? can you be more specific? Would you prefer not to? ask me? have you met? and have you met? and have you met? wait what happened earlier? do you agree? how many agree? how many disagree? is this a good balance? “Doctrines are always vague; it would ruin a doctrine to define it, because it could be analyzed, tested, criticized, and verified; but nothing ought to be tolerated which cannot be so tested.”

Thought and action
Stem the flow of suffering
Use dialogue to create solidarity
Inform and concern
Peace for the sake of peace
For the sake of peace

Law only needs precedent. One premise for the rule of international law is that all persons participate in a single community, and as such, are subject to the same common law. Rights and values, having been articulated and refined through history, are acquired by the community in a process of consistent reasoning. The greater the consistency, the stronger the law. By what authority? With what permission? And who will decide? Laws between sovereign states are, like manners, difficult to enforce. Politics must be polite, or there is no recourse but to dissociate. Failing to honor a treaty, allowing the agreement to collapse, a state loses access to the process of peace. Meaningful relationships cannot be established or repaired. Agreement becomes impossible. The scope of this impossibility is made legible in The Treaty of Versailles, ending World War I: “Without this healing act the whole structure and validity of international law is forever impaired.” The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, one outline of the path to peace, exists as a treaty between all persons. It orders human lives by suggesting a structure that embraces everyone, a rule of law to which all can appeal. The right to have a nationality, to belong to a state, builds peace through structured, universal representation. Can Peace be universal? Or is peace specific? Can it embrace humankind or only the detached individual? In America, we reserve the right to refuse to belong to this or any other state. We have laws to aid our escape from law. Margaret Mead wrote that “Warfare is an invention like any other of the inventions in terms of which we order our lives: marriage, cooking our food instead of eating it raw, trial by jury, or burial of the dead, and so on” What is the next invention that will shift the order of human lives? Can it be peace? “A form of behavior becomes out of date only when something else takes its place, and, in order to invent forms of behavior which will make war obsolete, it is a first requirement to believe that the invention is possible.”

Thought and action
Stem the flow of violence
Use dialogue to create solidarity
Inform and concern
Peace for the sake of peace
For the sake of peace

Submerged in suffering
find tranquility in reasoned judgements
In world of learning
Remember the possible functions of machines?
Inventing things that can only be made with tools that don’t exist?
Are you an inventor?

Words, a healing breeze, or a sword, forms a new peace agenda: The invention of non-violent
How to redraw the abstraction of Enemy?
Acknowledge fear, stereotype, and distortion
Dissolve negative attachment to difference
Join conversation without hesitation
How does War form its own culture?

We are wasting time, resources, and energy. How much better would it be to only waste time, to become inefficient, to move slowly, with consideration, to space out, to stare, to examine closely, to imagine broadly, to search the ruins.

Thanatos the death instinct
and Eros the life instinct
Repulsion and attraction

Johan Galtung wrote that “Imperialism is a species in a genus of dominance and power relationships.” If dominance relations between nations and other collectivities will not disappear when Imperialism disappears—then how to disappear the root, the relationships that holds oppression comfortably in place? Imperialism splits up collectivities in terms of harmony of interest, disharmony of interest, and conflict of interest. There is, first of all, a gap. In imperialism the center grows more fully than the periphery. The center is enriched and nourished, while the periphery is starved. We must ask how to grow the periphery, how to transfer value, how to confuse, dissolve or multiply the center, and how to harmonize the whole? This is a problem of reality—of seeing the real—of becoming real—of realization. When image and reality do not align, but appear to align, we convince ourselves that image and reality align, a face and a mirror. We are a problem solver. We are looking at images that flip—seen upside down or sideways they un-fool the eye.”

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Ooga Booga Bongo Music

Syllables repeated quickly back-and-forth between left and right channels, filtered and gradually mixing in and out, sounds appear as different words or sentences to some people, or as rhythms and melodies to others. based on an auditory illusion described by diana deutsch, in which our attention wanders and allows for a shift between what we hear and what we imagine—not as a puzzle to solve, but as information in raw form that we meet halfway as language or as music. Lyrics composed entirely by listeners taking note of the words and phrases they hear in the repetition.

Speak Your Own Language (2015)

Speak Your Own Language (2015) is part of lucky dragons’ continuing exploration of the auditory illusion by which short fragments of speech, when repeated, can appear as entire words and sentences like an audio rorschach test. Spoken syllables, sequenced and filtered into layered rhythms and harmonic textures, occupy an area between music and language that each listener hears differently. For this record’s cover artwork, five listeners (native Danish and Spanish speakers) were asked to write down any words or phrases that they heard, composing lyrics to the music. Released as a 7” record by Harmonipan in connection with the project Variety Gate at Museo Universitario del Chopo in Mexico City.

Publicity Reform

Wow Mix

A curved shape in time. Made for RO/LU’s “Open Field” residency at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis.

Speak Your Own Language (2012)

Recordings of a home-made string instrument with a central bridge (you might call it a “zither”). the design of this instrument, which is played by two players plucking / strumming / striking the strings on opposite sides of the bridge, is such that the actions of a player on one side of the strings effects the tone of the strings played by the other player. as one side of a string vibrates, bends, becomes tight or relaxed, the pitch of the opposite side responds in a mirror-like fashion. harmonies float around, not fixed in place, but come back to rest in a rough middle. the digital version (what you hear here) has undergone an additional process: automated noise-reduction software attempts to discern a “signal” from the background sound of the original recordings, listening for its own version of music ;)

Actual Reality

Relax in a Hurry

By speeding up music made explicitly for the purpose of attaining a relaxed physical and mental state, can a listener reach such a state in less time? is there something essential in the material of these sounds, divine frequencies, that if experienced not as a tone, but as an impulse, can provide a shortcut to well-being for the busy listener? how fast can we listen?


There are characters in “EXISTERS”, the cast of a play, a continuum of roles there for the taking: EXISTERS, DOERS, REPEATERS, CREEPERS and STREETERS, and this is for them:

EXISTERS resist without intervening, subsist without consuming. They are everything about living except life, showing the effects of attention on a thing over time. “EXISTERS” harkens to all things slow, delicate, and sharp–music for drifters, onlookers, and aliens of the everyday,

The EXISTER, the lurker in the dusty corner, is the one who watches, and by watching brings an event to life.  EXISTERS are embodied by the Low Frequency Oscillator, an undertow that never fully begins or ends, that saturates a space with unresolved attention.

The DOERS possess an industriousness, a momentum.  DOERS power through nothing and name it something. DOERS prefer the sunshine, while EXISTERS prefer the shade. The DOERS are embodied by the sequencer, a sense of movement, a ticking, a clicking, a powerful feeling of action, an attitude and a voice.

For REPEATERS, held separate from beginnings, too wearied by the present to energetically greet the future, change has lost meaning. REPEATERS, opposed to stability, sleepily perpetuate lability: after an infinitesimal perturbation, they have left their initial state for ever.

CREEPERS are pure effort, negative pleasure, growing from a lack, a vacuum, not from any need or desire. Working a job, moving in spasms from stop to stop.

STREETERS imitate, mock, lampoon and profane. They reproduce, they wear costumes. They protest, producing expressions of objection, negating and cancelling. The STREETERS are engaged in “civil disobedience”–a polite (eg. non-violent) refusal, as well as a refusal of politeness (removing oneself from the rule of law).

EXISTERS can be exhausted, weighed down, asleep, but EXISTERS don’t remove themselves from the world while sleeping, or spacing out, or changing speed. For the EXISTER these are ways of being in the world, of staking a position against an ecstatic background. These are gentle, lazy, face-to-face contacts with infinity.

Plural titles indicate the proliferation of life. In all its disparate values and manifestations, life multiplies.

Long Form

Spectral information organised into simple harmonic shapes, an agreement of frequencies that extends above and below the range of audible perception. As any shape stretched towards an infinite length becomes a line, this is a flattening of form – music made as simple as possible.

Music For No Reason

A Ray Array

Original soundtrack to the video “A Ray Array” by Sarah Rara (2011, 60 minute loop)

Shape Tape

Most of Shape Tape was recorded live inside of this shape, an egg-shaped bottom-entry steam sauna made by Michael Parker, who sat inside with us while we recorded. Shape Tape was also recorded live in two other places, Charles Long’s house on Mount Baldy, and Liz Glynn’s shipping pallet pyramid in Lincoln Heights. Thank you to these artists / makers of great shapes!

Rara Speaks

The Upward Spiral

Optical illusions have a healthy life in the world—as puzzles, cognitive experiments, quiz tricks, and platforms for mind-bending artworks—but auditory illusions (tricks of the ear) are less well documented, less well understood. Two examples of auditory illusions that were discovered relatively long ago, Risset rhythms and Shepard tones, deal with pitches or looping patterns that give the appearance of constant motion in a single direction: infinite acceleration, or a pitch that is always rising—the sonic equivalent of a barber pole stripe, moving upwards as it rotates (the opposite effect, a pitch continuously descending or a rhythm forever slowing down, also qualify). Examples of these illusions privilege the smooth, consistent rise: seamless and eternal. But what about the lumpy, striped or stepped rise, hopscotching or leapfrogging forward? Isn’t there something salient and familiar about a clumsy version of vertigo?

Accelerationism proposes an end-game scenario for capitalism that either transcends the currently visible horizon, entering some unforeseen landscape (free from constraint), or results in technological singularity—in either case, eternal acceleration suggests moving along an asymptote so extreme that it provokes an ontological shift for everyone. These sounds play with the auditory illusion of continuous acceleration, but with a particular focus on the clumsy, spontaneous, and sporadic leaps that reflect our own engagement with progress. Two steps forward one step back; we digest the shapes of boundaries, constraints, and borders which attempt to guide us into smooth channels, as we blindly expand forever in wild directions.

Dream Island Laughing Language

Bleach on Bleach

Mini Dream Island

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A Sewing Circle


Hawks And Sparrows

“Hawks and Sparrows” (2003) is a collection of reconstructions, rearrangements, and reenactments drawn from field recordings of four anti-war demonstrations (Seattle, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington DC) protesting the US invasion of Iraq in late winter 2003.


Washington DC January 21st 2003 On the bus down I was sitting with a group of Iraqi women who fed me Baby Ruth bars and Almond Joys. I met my mother on the steps of the Supreme Court and spent the day separating from her and meeting up again, getting lost in the crowd. We walked along the march route for a long time, but split off to visit a farmers’ market in a neighborhood she had heard of but had never visited.

Seattle February 15th 2003 I got a ride up with my friends Brian and Morgan on Saturday. We bumped into a number of people from our school as we marched through the city. When the monorail passed over, the drivers honked in support. After the protest ended, we went to an enormous Asian supermarket for lunch.

New York City February 15th 2003 Becca was set to meet me by the downtown lion at the main branch of the public library, but I had to fight my way to get to it, there were so many people. Everyone was making a ruckus of some sort. This lady stood out, she was making a different sort of ruckus into her cell phone. The obscenities pouring out of this lady’s mouth were a bit more exaggerated than the protest banter. She had agreed to meet her friend at the downtown lion as well, but her friend was at the uptown lion. This lady could not walk 30 feet to resolve the miscommunication. Instead she had to chastise and humiliate her friend over the cell phone, let her know how angry she was, let everyone around her know as well. Cops stole my drumsticks and I had to use spoons which I bought from a hardware store. someone threw fireworks at a horsie cop. Then I met up with becca, she had been less than 10 feet away from me the entire time!

Philadelphia March 30th 2003 It was very cold and raining off and on. Peter and I walked all the way from our house down to where we thought the protest was, several miles away, but the place was empty. We met a girl who thought maybe people had moved to the federal building so we walked there. We were the first ones there, but after a short while the marchers showed up and we joined them.

A crime was carried out in our name. we spoke out against it. How will time change our memory of this? Memory is our weapon. All sound sources used in the making of this cd were recorded at the protests listed above. Spoken language, rhetoric, dogma, incantations, and chants have been removed, leaving behind music, pauses, affect. No synthesizers were used on this recording.

“Hawks and Sparrows” includes contributions by Wrist + Pistols and Big A Little a. Released April 4th, 2003 as a free unlimited download and a limited edition of 100 cd-rs packaged individually with the first flowers of spring in clear glass cases, distributed by reverse shoplifting, filed under “h” in any record store.

This work is in the public domain.

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Dark Falcon